Everyday Philanthropy: Seattle Children’s Hospital

A couple of weeks ago, T and I had to visit Seattle Children’s Hospital. Fortunately, it was nothing serious – he just needed some imaging done. As a parent, I always appreciate when medical facilities are designed with children in mind, and Seattle Children’s Hospital is a shining example. Every detail of the hospital is thoughtfully designed to calm nerves and ensure comfort.

During our visit, we had the chance to explore the outdoor play area and relax in the kid-friendly waiting room. Our ultrasound technician was not only efficient but also exceptionally kind, making the process as smooth as possible for T.

The art all over the hospital was beautiful and super fun!

It was during this visit that I realized we were in the midst of a perfect opportunity to do some “everyday philanthropy.” I talked to T about how our visit was just a brief one, but there are many children who, due to serious health issues, have to stay at the hospital for extended periods. These children, often away from the comforts of home, benefit greatly from the generosity of others. Donations of toys, coloring books, and various activities can make their stay more manageable and bring joy into their difficult routines.

So, we decided to take action. The hospital has an Amazon wishlist, which is a straightforward way for people to help. I let T pick an item from the list to donate. This act was not just about helping others; it was also a way for us to express our gratitude for the wonderful care we received.

T loved the forest themed outdoor play area!

Everyday philanthropy doesn’t always require grand gestures. Sometimes, it’s about the small, thoughtful acts that we can incorporate into our daily lives. By donating to the hospital, we contributed to a system that supports countless families during challenging times. More importantly, we helped bring a bit of happiness to children who need it most.

As we continue on our journey of everyday philanthropy, I am constantly reminded of the power of small actions. Teaching our children about giving back in simple, tangible ways lays the foundation for a lifetime of kindness and compassion.


Kindness Quest 2023


So, What Does “Philanthropy” Really Mean?