Presents and Philanthropy: Celebrating Birthdays With a Charity Donation

In our family, birthdays are about more than cake and presents. We've started a tradition where each year, the kids pick a charity to donate to. It's their way of spreading love and kindness on their special day. And this year, K made an amazing choice!

K’s and my birthday are only 2 days apart, so to celebrate, my animal-obsessed daughter chose to donate to Three Little Pitties Rescue. We adopted our adorable dog, Meekah, from Three Little Pitties back in December 2020. This awesome organization is dedicated to animal rescue, focusing on saving and rehabilitating dogs, particularly pit bull breeds. They work tirelessly to provide these animals with loving foster homes, necessary medical care, and ultimately, help them find their forever homes where they can thrive and be loved.

Three Little Pitties, K’s non-profit organization of choice to make her birthday donation.

You might wonder, why is this important? Well, friends, it's about more than just a donation. It's about teaching our kids the joy of giving and showing them how their actions, no matter how small, can make a big difference. Making a birthday donation is a perfect example of kiddo philanthropy in action!

K's birthday wish this year wasn't just for herself; it was a wish for a kinder world. This new tradition of ours is about instilling a lifelong habit of generosity. So, here's to more birthdays filled with purpose and heart!

Our pup, Meekah, was adopted from Three Little Pitties in December 2020!


“The World Can Be Better” by Kid President


Kindness Quest 2023